Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dynamic Passion

So, erm there has been a slight change in plans. Its actually quite a large change to be a bit more fair and realistic. If you look at a letter that you've got, all you really need to do is scratch out Senegal and insert the word Kenya. Surprised? So was I.

For one reason or another, which I do not care to go too terribly deep into, Senegal has dropped off of the list as a possibility. It wasn't a rejection, it was more like the travel coordinators in Senegal cut the trip time in half, and with such a shady move, it became obvious to me that I did not wish to further entrust this trip to their hand. Let me clarify: AIM is not this travel coordination base that did this, and AIM is faultless and had no control over the duration of the trip. AIM goes through the travel coordination of MIS (missions in senegal) and they are the ones who are at fault. As a result I will not be going to Senegal, but staying with AIM to go to Kenya.

This was devastating to me and it broke my heart. Even in this, I know that God is working His will for my good because I love Him (Rom. 8:28). I have sought God's will out again through a close friend and my discipler, Abbie, who was gracious and patient with me as we talked through this information. I nearly did not mention Kenya as an option that had been offered to me because I thought that it was completely wrong for my potential. (The Kenya trip is more of a medical observation trip than a hands on helping trip. Furthermore, of the two languages I already speak and the two that I am learning now, only English is spoken in Kenya. Finally, Kenya is maybe 10% Muslim with the majority of the country being Protestant or Roman Catholic). These details inclined me to turn down the Kenya trip the first time it was offered.

I wanted God to find some circumstances that fit me, and this is something that He rarely does. God generally molds a person to fit the circumstances that He puts them in. In Luke 4:42-43, Jesus has just cast out a demon in the synagogue, healed Simon's mother-in-law and healed a whole crowd of people while preaching. The people find Him the next day and have every intention of keeping Him in their town so that the can set Him up His very own tent: Jesus' Preaching and Healing Chateau. He tells them that He must go on to preach in the next place as well, and that He cannot stay there for long. Realistically, He could have set up shop and stayed there forever healing and teaching, He had the potential to do so. But that was not His calling.
In the same way I desire to pursue my calling from God, and not my potential.

About a week after writing this, I finally begin to re-vamp my support letter for Kenya, when I come across the information e-mail that I have been avoiding opening because of the residual stubbornness in my heart. I am not just going to Kenya, but also Minah,which is the surname I am choosing to use for a restricted area that we will be venturing in also. This area is nearly 100% Muslim, and the languages used there most often are French and Arabic. I feel like a naive child that God has to lead by the hand. Praise God that He is leading me to a place that I cannot even imagine asking for, look at what the Lord has done and be glad, rejoice!!!

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