Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Team Building

Since three pm on the 24th of May, our team of three have been getting to know each other and spending a lot of time together, since that's what you do here.

First off, AIM's HQ is not at all what I expected, but it is really really nice. Its very similar to the house that my family used to stay at that was just outside of Wisconsin Dells. There's a train track that is close, so I get to hear the whistle every now and then, and there are lots of evergreens and plants surrounding the HQ building. Its really a nice place, sort of like a hotel, but more home like than any hotel that I have ever ventured into.

I finally got to meet Rae on the first day that we arrived and it was great. I am rooming with Kristina and Rob is all the way down the hall from us in the upper level of HQ, where there are twelve housing rooms to accommodate the missionaries that are passing to and fro. As a team, God is pouring out blessings which are above my wildest dreams to imagine or comprehend.

We have only been together for about twenty-four hours and we are already a close-knit unit that only God could have made us into for this trip of His to Kenya and Minah. The first night that we had together we spent about two hours talking about the initiation information that comes along with meeting new people. Stuff like families, quirks, interests and Rob's southern accent. Then we had supper with Rae. Finally, we finished off the evening by playing an assigned team building game, cleverly titled, "Getting to know me." I admit an initial hesitance, even when we were first talking, to be open, emotional (at a normal person rate, not a drama queen, but normalish). The assigned game was simple, there was a deck of cards (not playing cards though) and we spread them out on the table and took turns choosing cards and answering the questions that were on them. God, being sovereign over a little thing like the game we were playing, had me choosing really deep, emotionally involving, character revealing, challenging cards and answering questions that I simply could conceal myself through. For example: "What are your spiritual strengths and weaknesses?" Rob and Kristina, on the other hand, got questions like, "What is your favourite type of music?" (Kristina's). Or, "What is your favourite month?" (Rob's). God moved so that the stubborn and disobedient Chelsy would have to lie or be vulnerable, and the truth side of me would have none of the faking it stuff, so on the first night I got very real with people that are not strangers to me anymore. Praise God that He has looked at all the details and is powerful to compensate for my introverted tendency. Praise Him.

So, the 25th, today, was full of instruction from different staffers. We had a culture + worldviews "lecture" this morning, and then we had lunch. We were supposed to meet with Rae after that, but she was detained for the day with business for another trip. So instead she gave us these books and told us to go through the spiritual warfare chapter together. In the first hour and a half we made it through a page an a half. There were many side tangents that we were kind of "reliving life" together through, because before yesterday, we were unable to actually live life together. We talked about deep things; things that I haven't gone so deep with some of the gals in my Bible study. We talked about spiritual giftedness, for some reason Kristina was really interested in what gifts I had and especially what the gift of discernment looks like in my life when it is fleshed out. We talked about weaknesses and strengths, we took a long hard look into our individual weaknesses actually. We looked at them again later on in the night through the context of the armour of God, and what we find that we are good at putting on and keeping on, and which pieces that we struggle to carry with us. Its crazy, no group of people that I have ever heard of have had their hearts mesh so fluidly, and it is only because of the grace of God and the Spirits interweaving and interlocking of our heart that this bonding has happened. We have discovered that where one of us is weak, another seems to be very strong, and when this compensation and complimentation doesn't happen, I have reminded myself that we still have a team leader to meet tomorrow, and God will make up all shortcomings that we have to bring a child of His into the Kingdom.

I do not know who will understand this when it is read, but I will say it anyway, and this is my warning. When I was at Village Creek Bible Camp, a dear friend that I made over the years working there was Andy Wolfe (Hi, Andy). He could tell me what I was thinking most of the time. Verbal communication was not amazingly necessary when we were in the same room, especially on my part, because Andy could just respond to my thought, which was really scary the first time I realized that he was able to do it. In the same token Grant Baker (Hi, Grant) is readable to me. It drives him absolutely crazy sometimes because thought life is supposedly private, but for him, not so much. I say this because I can read Kristina and Rob in very similar ways. So much so that I felt comfortable to lovingly and gently challenge Rob today. God has showed me some of their gifts that they aren't really fully aware of. God has been opening my eyes and having me see them as He sees them. Its amazing. Through the Spirit telling me and shedding light on Kristina's life, a was able to tell her what the spiritual gifts were that she already knew that she had. It was crazy sitting there thinking to myself, "She's got evangelism and hospitality, yeah hospitality hard core." Then when she said them, I was blown away by realizing what the Spirit had just done. Also, at supper tonight, Kristina and I had our first nonverbal communicae, Rob, I feel, is soon to follow. It is God's plan, and that is the best way that I can come up with to explain it.

I do not know how to tell you about the relationship bonds that God has made between us in the short time that we have been in New York better than what I have said so far, so I digress, hoping that what I have tried to say will be proven as God works in us in Africa.

I am well, we leave HQ tomorrow at 2pm to catch a 6pm flight to London. I am excited.
Finally, we need prayer warriors who are willing to take up the cause of Christ by praying for our team and the plans that God has for us in Kenya and Minah. Please, take it to the prayer closet. We are meeting with God in a similar closet, and will be there, even if we are miles away.

Love, cj

Monday, May 24, 2010



I have just said goodbye to mom, dad, Kolby and Tim in the terminal area of the Quad Cities airport. Made it through security fine and since this airport is really small I have also made it to my gate. Since everyone whom I have spoken with in the last few days has asked me how I feel and told me to be safe I thought I would share my thoughts with you.

I am slightly nervous, but, praise God, it is not in a worrying sense. I think that this is the same nearly indescribable
feeling that I get when I am heading into something unknown. Not worry, not anxiety, not fear, not sadness, but rather a state of wonder that I am actually leaving and trying to imagine things that my mind cannot possibly think
of on it's own. I have no idea what will happen, what meeting the other two people on my team will look like, or even fathoming that this afternoon I will be in New York. It's actually in Queens, New York, which is a place that I have heard of in Law and Order, but never really thought that I would go there.

I am looking forward to meeting Rae because we have talked so much in the past six months that it feels like we should know
each others faces now, but we have never met. It's very strange to think of that, because we have talked about very deep and hard things, and only now are we going to meet. Aimee, my roomie who leaves for east Asia today, and I have been counting this day down for months. Now that it is here it is odd. Maybe this particular day, because it is the official departure date, was built up too much for all the splendor that airport concourses have to offer.

I believe I am going to spend a little time with Jesus now, but I thought it important to record the Iowa departure log. With any measure of luck there will be a New York log as well.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Greetings one and all,

This morning all of my support for the trip arrived with glad shouts of welcome and sighs of impressed relief from my parents. The 20th I received a call from Rae saying that my support was only about half in at HQ in New York. The finance department was becoming slightly disgruntled, but she assured them that I would make all of it in, at the time I was at about 80%. Then she called me, and I started finding out what the actual figures for the trip were. Ten new supporters, that I had no previous news of showed up between 5pm on the 20th and 9am on the 21st!!! Plus a few that were taking a bit longer to get their commitments physically fulfilled.

Long, testing and trying story short, God brought all of it in. Praise Him! He is sending His workers out to the harvesting field. Praise His Almighty name!

Now, it is even more real to me that I leave in three days...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Consider Your Calling

This morning, before my physics final at noon, I decided to listen to a Piper sermon, the one that was advertised was his last sermon before he left at the beginning of May, 2010. The title, Consider Your Calling (http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibrary/Sermons/ByDate/2010/4593_Consider_Your_Calling/), and the text 1 Corinthians 1:26-31.

In the light of this passage, I would like to take a bit of time to express to God, and on here for the benefit of others what great love He has been showing me, that which I have seen and perceived correctly, since the beginning of the world. Because I am a time bound creature, I am inclined to think of and ponder more recent things, so bear with me, and know that this is not an extensive or all inclusive list of the ways God has proven His love for me.

Oh, God, you are great, your plan for me is wonderful, even when I deny that you have been paying attention. You have promised good to me, not in which to harm me, but to give me hope and a future. Lord, you took a trip that wasn't going to be medical missions (as far as I could see, but not for You) the mission field that you called me into, and you turned it in to a medical quest. Lord, then you tested me, and you knew the limits of my faith at that time, and you were gracious, my King, to refrain from giving me more than I could bear. You tested my heart for Senegal, you made me use the analytical skills, which you blessed me with, the determine that Senegal would not be satisfactory for your will in my life, because the officers overseas were making sketchy decisions. Lord, I may never know what else you protected me from in Senegal, but I cry out with joy for the fingerprints that I see on all along my path to Africa, telling me where to go.

God, you made me look into my heart, as you revealed my own heart to me, because you know it better than anyone, Lord, better than I even know it, the tricksy thing that it is. Lord, when you presented Kenya, you showed me my stubbornness, that a great gift would have been given to me if I would have only opened it, an e-mail. After a few days of pouting and seeking wise counsel, Lord you convinced my heart to go to Kenya, even though you had placed in my heart a passion for Muslim women and you had compelled me to begin learning French and Arabic. I surrendered to your good and sovereign, outside of time, will. Then a week later, when I opened the message that revealed that Minah was a part of this Kenya trip, Lord, you taught me that you do not give us divine passions without a divine purpose. .

Lord, when you got me to this point, you did not stop giving, and you allotted more time than I would have dreamed of asking for, because Lord, when it comes to you, I want too little, I dream in a small box, but you are apparently willing to overlook those things and give a greater portion that I though possible. All of this, and I haven't even packed for the trip to Kenya and Minah, I have not even begun the journey, and you are already there. I praise you Lord, for your great mercy on your foolish and enamoured servant girl.

Lord, where next shall we go? Lord, in the last few weeks, as Spiritual warfare remains constant, yet I am a soldier being moved up closer to the front lines, crossing them even, you have been with me. In the illness and in the stress, you have been my only rock, my strong tower, in which I take refuge. Nearly, every night for this past week, I have been awoken, sometimes with anxiety gripping at my every breath, sometimes with a sickness that makes me writhe in pain, sometimes with an annoyance, trying to understand why I cannot sleep. Lord, in the sleeplessness you have shown me that sleep, while it is a good thing, is not as necessary as you are. In the sleeplessness you have shown me peacefulness. And not the peacefulness that the world seeks after, it is not a calmed or sedated state. But a peace that allows me to walk through the sleeplessness with you, and not alone or afraid. In the sickness, you are there and your peace surrounds me, in the midst of temptations to worry about final exams, Lord, even when I have lost it, when I looked down at the waves, and not at you, even when I began to sink, Lord you reached out your hand, and taught me once more how to abide in your peace. Lord, you are near, even when I walk through these valleys because you are great and mighty to save your child from drowning herself in her own tears of despair. You are great, because of who you are.

Lord, before this semester began, when you gave me a new friend, Miss Maggie, and after a boot camp of your love over new years, you actually changed my heart to love Maggie in ways that I cannot explain. You controlled my heart, and it made me do crazy things. Lord, I have no idea what you did, and trying to analyze it will not help, because the work that you did that night was amazing. You sent a vessel that had a newly changed and submitted heart over to Hillcrest and called another heart that needed changed to your recently repaired heart. God, your Spirit gave a mouth that is not eloquent answers to questions about evolution, answers about you and a gentleness that is not fleshly characteristic of my mouth, came out in love and truth.

Even though this is amazing, I hold it so much more precious what you did in Maggie's heart that night! Lord, you opened up your love for her, you showed a lost daughter the way to get home to you, a loving Father. Lord, you taught her that those things that she had questioned about you, the very same things that she questioned that night, were all answered in who you are, the essence of your being speaks truth into the darkest of nights. Lord, you had prepared her heart for months before this through Cru and Emma's fun loving person that you placed with Maggie for a divine purpose. Lord, you had it all worked out, you had an immaculate and intricately detailed plan that caused Maggie to take a step of faith into your loving arms, and I was there to watch you do it!!! How blessed am I to be given a woman that I love, a friend, and then to watch her become my sister. How blessed are the ears that heard the first prayer from her heart, a prayer to accept you as Lord and Saviour! How sweet, sweeter than all else I have known to be fathomable. How great are you, oh God, that you gave me a taste of the pursuit of Maggie, a pursuit that you have been on since before time. How amazing you are.

Lord, I ask that you would become greater, and that I would become so much less, today, and hence forward.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Birthday

On June 12, 2003 I was on my knees in mud weeping and crying out to Jesus, begging Him to change my heart and my life, and to use me as a small part of His story. This is the day that I celebrate new life in my King.

This year, I will be in Africa, and God has blessed me with this gift on the seventh remembrance of my new identity in my Saviour and Lord.

Thank you Lord. None but you could give such a good gift, do not let my fleshyness allow me to forget your sweet goodness.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Packing Lists

The last time that I saw such a list of things was when I was off on my first summer at Village Creek Bible Camp, packing about a week in advance because I was so excited!

While this packing list for Kenya and Minah is very exciting, I am also caught in a state of wonder. Wondering how I am to fit all sorts of crazy things into one suitcase. Wondering what I would do if God weren't backing me all the way on this trip. Wondering how I am going to make it through the last week of Spring semester classes and the finals week without itching to pack all of the things I am going to take with me. I wonder when I will find time to pack with a sound mind, wondering where in the world I will find a sound mind. Wonder if this what God means when He characterizes Himself as an all consuming fire!!!

Let me take you through the packing list and tell you my "tid bit" thoughts. I will put my thoughts in brackets:

The Section for Girl's Clothing:

Skirts: around 5 would be good. [I cannot remember the last time that I actually wore a skirt, and I don't have 5... yet. Guess mom and I get to go shopping in a Africa prep trip before I leave]. They must be at least mid calf length for Minah, or even better full length. Make sure you have at least one full length skirt. It’s useful if the skirts aren’t too straight as that makes getting in and out of landcruisers etc difficult. [I am really hoping that landcruisers are just as awesome as they sound]. If you have skirts with pockets they can be useful but not essential![I now have sewing to do... I think I am going to use these comments of mine as a "to do" list in about two weeks].

Slips: To wear under your skirts if they are likely to be see-through in any way. Two slips should be enough depending on the type of skirts you have. [I don't own one].

Tops to match skirts[I believe this means that our team leader would like us to be fashionably sensible enough to match... I always ask roomies now because I am terrible at fashion sense].: I usually find it helpful to have two tops to each skirt. These should not be sleeveless or too low cut.

Pyjamas: A couple of pairs at least. It’s probably good to have at least one more summery pair for the Islands (i.e. shorts and vest top) [what's a vest top in pajama land... certainly don't intend to have one of those]. and a pair of warmer ones for Kenya where it can get cold in places.

Trousers/Pants/Capris: A couple of pairs for travelling in, wearing in Nairobi etc.

Swimming Costume: This should be a one-piece or a tankini. You will also need to wear shorts to swim in when in Minah to respect the culture, you can either bring shorts designed to swim in or normal shorts you don’t mind swimming in. [I am really glad we get to swim!!!!].

Sleeveless tops/vest tops: Bring a couple with you as you can wear them when we are at the beach for debrief or inside houses when in Minah.

Sweatshirts: Bring one or two as it can get cold in some places we’ll visit in Kenya because of the altitude.

Shorts: Bring one or two pairs with you for wearing on the beach we will be doing debrief at. [I don't wear shorts...hmmm this hot place may change my mind though... okay I will bring one].

Underwear [glad there's no required length or style for this... no really good thing].

Socks: Girls you may want to consider bringing a couple of pairs of tights too for the colder parts of Kenya. [how about the red ones with snowflakes and the plain black ones... the one thing I have nailed down as a sure thing are tights].

Sunhat/baseball cap [I don't do hats too well either, Kolby ( my little brother) one of yours is going to go missing :)].

Waterproof jacket: When it rains in Africa it RAINS! You may also want to bring a small umbrella that can fit in your bag. [Amira told me umbrellas aren't used in Sudan, so I will skip. Thank you Tim for the Raincoat].

Fleece/Lightweight jacket: For higher altitude areas in Kenya. [Northface].

Footwear: Comfortable, practical sandals such as walking sandals are great. Bring a pair of trainers/sneakers/tennis shoes too, and a pair of flip flops you don’t mind getting wet that you could wear into the shower if need be. A pair of smart closed-in shoes are also useful in the colder parts of Kenya or for special occasions. [Merrels and going to have to get new ankle wrap sandals because I am not getting sand into the chacos].

Shampoo and conditioner if you use it
Shower gel [pretty sure shower gel is going to be the one thing, I highly doubt that Africa is going to make me worry about my hair, especially since I intend to get it cut short and braided before going so that it is out of my way. No time to worry about such silly things. This will also eliminate the need for a hair brush].

Suntan cream: I would recommend at least factor 25
Razor [debating how necessary this really is... its not if i wear skirts, pants and longselves... sorry for all who are grossed out by that].

Toothbrush and paste [must get travel size paste, possibly for the body wash as well!]
[Good sweetness, how am I going to bring stuff back?]

Insect repellent: Ideally with 50% DEET
Alcohol Gel: Just a small bottle that you can carry in your pocket/bag and use between patients and before eating.

Cleansing wipes: These can be really useful for freshening up especially if there’s a shortage of water where we’re staying.

Hair brush/comb: plus hair ties/clips if you’ve got long hair [taken care of yippy!]

A small mirror: can be useful but not essential [not essential is the key here].

Any Medications you are on
Malaria prophylaxis

Oral Rehydration Solution sachets [ what is this]?
Bite relief cream
You can bring a full first aid kit if you want but I intend to have a team first aid kit with all the usual supplies in it. [not bringing it then... good to know]

Other things:
Batteries for your camera: bring plenty or rechargeable ones as they are poor quality and expensive, especially in Minah

Memory stick/jump drive: That way we can share the photos we take as a team. [ wouldn't have thought of that]

Ipod/Mp3 player: Great to listen to when traveling

Journal: You will be expected to journal during the team to help you process what you’re seeing and experiencing [planned on it ;)].
Bible [feel this should be at the top of the list]
Notebook and pen
Books to read: Just a couple, we’ll also be reading some things about medical work too.

Games: nothing too big! (not essential, just if you want to!)[i shall put them in my imaginary space].

Towels: If you have space it would be good to bring a bath towel and a beach towel [bath yes, beach maybe].

Torch/flashlight: headlamps are great! [torch... really]?

Alarm clock: Or you can use your mobile phone if you prefer [perhaps get intl plan for a month+].

Sleeping bag [that's never gonna fit but i must bring it].

Small backpack: Useful for carrying stuff if we go on a day trip. You may chose just to use your carry-on bag [also planned on that].

Small handbag/purse: I’m mainly thinking of the girls here as guys can carry alot in their pockets but most skirts don’t have pockets  A bag with a strap that you can wear across your body is useful particularly in Nairobi as it makes theft harder. You should be able to fit your wallet, water bottle, and camera into it.

Water bottle: You can bring a dedicated water bottle with you or you can just reuse a 500ml bottle of mineral water bought here [team leader is already in Minah] if you prefer.

Stethoscope: For those training to be medics among you if you already have a stethoscope bring it with you but don’t go out and buy one especially!

Tropical medical book: Again if you already have one bring it with you as it can be useful but if not don’t worry. I have a tropical medical handbook you are welcome to borrow[really want to use this as an excuse to buy one!!!].

With God all things are possible. Even packing a suitcase. Oh, God, please be with my parents and I and give us wisdom in this seemingly frivolous task of packing. Please let us cut the useless and not judge too quickly what will be useless.